12 research outputs found

    Semantic Platform for building coherent net of smart services

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    Information infrastrucrure of modern cities has been developping incredibly fast over last decades. Improvement of all kinds of services has been impatiently demanded by end users in all domains who where forced to keep up-to-date not to lose ground in their spheres of interest. As a result, the majority of services used now are high-quality services that meet the extended requirements of end users. They can be definitely called smart services. The proplem is that there are a lot of services, but they are not compatible with each other. They can hardly be considered as elements of complicated business processes. It leads to creation of new services with duplicating functionality. Observed dynamics of service market development and its short term prediction clearly shows that in near future it will be impossible to satisfy all requests for new services and service infrastructure will become overheated. At the level of enterprises the problem is commonly solved by means of enterprise service bus, at the level of WWW – due to building and overall application of semantic web services. For the level of cities still there are no solutions that allow building complex logical structures based on existing services. The most obvious way for services integration is their unification. Even this simple solution is unimplementable for two reasons. First, it requires huge resources that depend on the total number of services. Second, it can affect the functionality of the services that is inadmissible for end users. So, one can say that at the level of the city integration solutions based on enterprise service bus are too light but Internet oriented solutions such as semantic web servises are too heavy. In this paper we propose a platform for agile service integration that allows linking services using semantic technologies. The platform does not generate additional requirements to services or imposes any restrictions. It supports linking services and, thus, building a net of services. Furthermore, it can reveal possible links between services that can enrich the service infrastructure. Sematic technologies form the base for integration platform. The services and their peculiar features are described in the platform ontology using OWL language. The OWL description of the services clarifies reasonable cases and ways for services usage. Similar approach is used for describing logic of complex services application. The processes of services interaction are defined in ontologies as well. For logic description BPEL is used

    VODRE: Visualisation of drools rules execution

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    Knowledge-based Systems and Expert Systems, in particular, are expensive to build and difficult to validate and debug because of their complexity and dynamism. Therefore, it is not easy for knowledge engineer and domain expert to identify the gaps and mistakes in knowledge base. Unit testing is unable to cover validation process at all stages, in many cases manual thorough review of decision process is needed. In this paper we spot main approaches to validation and verification issue and describe a component that helps to debug a knowledge base by visualising execution of rules that derive a particular result. This component is developed for Knowledge-based Systems built on Drools Platform1 and we demonstrate application of this component in a knowledge-based engineering system for structural optical design

    Using Drool rule-platform for the optical CAD web-application development

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    This paper describes a development of rule-based web application to the problem of starting point selection in optical design. The system architecture is shortly discussed. A formalization of the optical system representation based on formal syntax is given. Three examples of rules in natural language and Drools Rule Language syntax illustrate the work of the solution

    MneMojno - Design and deployment of a Semantic web service and a mobile application

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    In this paper we discuss our experience with the design, development and deployment of MneMojno Semantic Web Service and Mobile Application. MneMojno makes use of Semantic Web Technologies to create a Web service and a mobile application for rating and providing detail information about food products. This paper introduces the main components of the system: a framework to capture information about food products from various sources, a semantic web service and a framework to visualize and analyze usage statistics. Finally, we discuss challenges and problems we faced during the development and present our conclusions and future directions for exploration in terms of developing MneMojno further

    The differential-algebraic and bi-Hamiltonian integrability analysis of the Riemann type hierarchy revisited

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    A differential-algebraic approach to studying the Lax type integrability of the generalized Riemann type hydrodynamic hierarchy is revisited, its new Lax type representation and Poisson structures constructed in exact form. The related bi-Hamiltonian integrability and compatible Poissonian structures of the generalized Riemann type hierarchy are also discussed.Comment: 18 page

    Differential-Algebraic Integrability Analysis of the Generalized Riemann Type and Korteweg-de Vries Hydrodynamical Equations

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    A differential-algebraic approach to studying the Lax type integrability of the generalized Riemann type hydrodynamic equations at N = 3; 4 is devised. The approach is also applied to studying the Lax type integrability of the well known Korteweg-de Vries dynamical system.Comment: 11 page

    Food Product Ontology: Initial Implementation of a Vocabulary for Describing Food Products

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    Semantic technologies are becoming an important part of the current Web, more and more information are being published with the semanticly enriching markup such as RDFa and microformats, and more services started consuming this information. The food product field is not an exception, the manufacturies and retailers, goverments and instituations looking for ways to publish their data and maximize re-use of the data. The main component of any semantic dataset are ontologies that it uses. The paper describes the initial version of ontology for describing food products that aims to provide the all interested parties with a common vocabulary for better integration and collaboration

    One Remote Control to Command Them all! Building a Hypermedia API for ESP8266-Based Devices

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    Lack of commonly accepted standards for the connected devices' APls caused the situation when each manufacturer creates its own mobile application to control their devices. We propose an approach to the design of a self-descriptive CoAP­based API using Hydra Core Vocabulary (bttp://hydra-cg.com) which allows to ereate an adsptive mobile application to control any device. In this paper we describe the approach, evaluate it on two exemplified devices build using ESP8266 Wi-Fi module and describe the architecture of a mobile application controlling these devices

    Ytterbium Silicate Fibers: Fabrication, Microstructure and Strength

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    High temperature ceramic and metal matrix composites, which are to be used under complicated loading conditions in a severe atmosphere, have to satisfy a large number of the requirements. Hence, development of such composites calls for a large variety of fibers, matrices and interface materials to make an appropriate choice in designing a particular composite. The fiber is definitely the most important component of a composite. The family of oxide fibers is the most important among possible reinforcements for metal and oxide matrices. In this work, a family of potential oxide reinforcements containing ytterbium monosilicate Yb2SiO5 and disilicate Yb2Si2O7, and ytterbia-ytterbium monosilicate eutectic, was obtained and studied. The interest in those silicates was aroused because (i) they are highly resistant to hot corrosion in the presence of water vapor and (ii) their CTE varies from 8 × 10−6 K−1 for monosilicate to 4 × 10−6 K−1 for disilicate